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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmans Cheer

It is Christams time around the world once again. What does Christmas mean to you? To me it is time of family and love, peace and good cheer. And we had just that this past Sunday. We went to our first Christmas party and had so much fun. The thing about parties is you never know who will be there and who will not! And the thing about a musicians party is there is always plenty of music to go around. All you have to do is make sure to invite at least 10 musicians and hopefully most of them show. In this case they did! The results were an all out jam we called

Things just don't get much better then this! Fires were going, wine was being poured, and everyone was in great spirits. In the above video we have; Randy-harp, Dave-harp, Johnny-harp & vocals, T Jay-guitar, Jim-guitar,Sparx-bass, and Joe-drums. And Johnny is right when is says "you won't find 2 better guitar players under one roof". But he did leave out the best rythmn section around, and some of the best harp players around.
After the main attraction ended things picked up outside were there was another fire going- hense the moving around while rolling!

To me, music is the voice in life. Music brings people together in more ways then one. And to see all in such great minds and happiness is what the hoilday season is all about!

Merry Christmas to all

See you all next year.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Some more local Texas music for you to enjoy.

 I just can't figure out why there is not more coverage of the local scene. There is so much talent out there, there is no way to take it all in at once. I have found coverage on country, rap,  grunge-underground music, and some blues. But not really a southern rock and blues combo. Nor a good variety band. Well here is one for all to know about.


Here we have Slightly Tilted. The name alone is awesome. When these guys get together you have one of the best up coming bands around. The full versatility  of this band makes them stand out from the rest.

Kent Gooding on guitar, vocals, keyboard, and percussion's
Wes  Hendrix on vocal and guitar
Fred Howard on guitar
Tim Grugle on drums
Rhandy Simmons on bass

Each members resume would be way too long to list separate, so let's just have a quick run all together. Each one of these guy's have either played with, recorded with and/or helped produce the following:
Gary Porterfield, Micheal O' Neal, David Patton, Ty Herndon, Lodella, Pandora, Metallica, Razin Cain, Pantera, Danny and Darius Brubeck, and Room Full of Blues just to name a few. Some of the Slightly Tilted members have been recognized by Buddy  Magazine and awarded his  Texas Tornado award as well as the W.C. Handy award in the past.

With a resume like this it is no wonder just how amazing the sound would be when they are all brought together as one. Go on and give them a listen by following this link: Slightly Tilted Music

The unique style that Slightly Tilted brings to the mix will blow you away. There is not another band around that offers this much smoothness and well, just pure joy when you listen.
I first meet these guys a few months ago. Rhandy has a studio right up the road from my house and invited me out to listen to them. (Siesta Ranch Studios)  Now when I walked in the door they were rehearsing and the first thing I heard was "Riders in the Storm". Now The Doors is one of my favorite bands of all times and I have heard many try to copy them over the years, very few have accomplished this hard task. But what I heard right off the bat was a crisp and wonderful sound coming from the room. They had me from the first song. The more I listened to them the more I knew that they were accomplished musicians and were destined to go far. They strive for perfection in their music. Not just to get by and get gigs. They are in it for their hearts and souls. 

This is what music is all about. Not the major labels or the fame.Of course that is nice to obtain, but should not be the basis for playing. Which is what we see out there now days. We don't see people playing music from the heart to often. Most are just out to get a quick buck and some fame. Not to truly share their passions with the rest of the world. You hear so much "mainstream" music out there and if you really listen to it deep within yourself, you will hear nothing. When you listen, really listen, to this band you hear their passion and love for the art. Like you heard in the good ole' days. A time before mainstream was invented.A time when music came from the heart and soul of musicians and not from big wigs sitting behind a desk.That is what the "local scene" is all about.And that, my friends, is what Slightly Tilted is about.


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Where is the Texas Music at?

I was searching for blogs about local Texas music the other day and was shocked at what I couldn't find! I couldn't find one single blog about the local East Texas music scene. This was both frustrating and sad. There is so much talent in this area I just can't believe that no one has something going. I did find many blogs about the Dallas area and Dallas is close, but yet so far away. And it seems  in a totally different world. Same for the Austin area. Grant it, there are great things happening in both those areas, but that is not home. Home is East Texas and to me that is where it is  happening!

Now, I run a website which lists just a small fraction of our great local talent and I would like to share with you one of those local talents.

Now this is SHINEBOX.

We have Donny Hyles on Bass, Marty Arbter on Drums, and Richard Raines on Guitar. The band formed in 2003 and has been rocking the East Texas area since. I personally love these guys. Not only are they some of the best musicians around, but they bring professionalism back to the local music scene. They are tight when they play and they put their hearts in it. There is never a dull moment when they are around. Whether they are rocking Leon's Steak House in Longview or at Harrah's Casino in Shreveport La., they are always on the money. The moment they are on the stage they begin to "shine"!


That's what I am talking about!!

These guy's are amazing. So much energy and spunk when they play.

Now on to their serious side.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Kurt Cobain~ We love you!

Okay, I know that this video is all over the net, but hey. This is just crazy! Why are they even given up a fuss?? It is a video game and Love gave permission for this to be. Love is just looking for some attention. She needs to be in the spotlight and hasn't recieved any love in a while. Is there nothing of any more importance going on in the music world? I guess not since I googled "music news" and this was the main topic for all news and blog areas. I just feel that this is not news. Then again I am putting it in my blog.
But on the other side I am not griping about the way Kurt looks or is dressed, as her(Love)is. It is her that is my gripe. She has never done anything constructive with his estate. Just gripe and gripe about this and that over the years. Let the man rest Love! I am sure that his fans(me included) don't care what he is wearing nor how his hair looks. We love the thought of "being" him while we rock out! We love him for his talent. I mean face it, did he ever really "look" as she is trying to make him look today? We did not love him for his looks-ok some of us thought he was hot! Not the point. Point is she is taking things out of context and seeking attention on his name once again. Love, get a life. It is a game. Treat it like one.

Grant it that Kurts music is one of a kind and has touched a many of lives over the years. Mine included. I can not speak for him,but I am pretty sure that he would get a kick out of his new field as a avatar. Even if it is singing to other types of music which is his former band members gripes about this. Are none of them just happy that he is living on for the younger generation to know about?  What I am sure he would not be happy about is how all of them use his name today just to get attention! And not for the amazing artist that he was.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Okay. We live and we learn. Is that not what we are taught from the early stages of childhood when things never turn out they way we try? Well....... I for one am learning everyday what NOT to do on a computer!

Back to the subject at hand.

I will need to upload more videos to youtube this evening. As well as go in and change my videos so only music shows up. I have so many great videos to share with you all. I will let things upload while I go to sleep. though I have DSL it is still slow in the upload process. Oh well.

What is happening in the world of music around the world this weekend?? I know of a few shows around, but they are just your normal "bar shows". There needs to be a place where we can have awesome shows on a weekly basis with out the bar drams. This I believe is already in the making. Cat Daddy's Sports Bar is building Cat Daddy's Music Plex. This is just going to be so great when it is finished. There will be live, affordable music events on a weekly basis right here in East Texas. I just can't wait for it all to take place. Sparx Entertainment will be helping bring in musicians and bands from all around. It will be a show to remember every weekend, and no bar room fights to ruin your evening! Yeah!
There is nothing worse than going out for the evening and seeing people so drunk that they have to fight with anyone who looks at their women for more than a second! Or their man for that matter. I guess I have just grown past all of that scene. I suppose, looking back, that I enjoyed that at one point in my life. Boy what was I thinking? It is not like I am old, but just that it gets old. Going to the same place, having the same drink, and seeing the same idiot do the same stupid things every week! I use to get a kick out of some people, and thinking back, I don't really know what I was thinking! 
Well, I guess we all find a new purpose in life and a new direction sooner or later. My new purpose in life is to LIVE. To live in harmony with myself and really, I mean really, enjoy life. I want to be able to remember what happened the night before, and look back on it not with regret, but with joy.
In promoting music there is so much joy that comes along with the frustration, that the joy out weighs the frustration. At least for me. I enjoy seeing people enjoy their life. When they are in to the music and the happening then I can look at life and say "This is what living is." Just enjoying yourself.


Okay....can't help but laugh or I will just shoot my computer~~~ fixed the layout problem and now the last of my other post is gone!!!

What I finished with was this.

Yes, we had a great time at the Winery. I am still working on getting the band booked. Though they have been playing for over 40 years as musicians, they have only been in this band together for a few months. So things jsut don't move as fast as I would like them to. It will all come in one day this I know. I know I had more written in my last post, but for the life of me I jsut can't remember!! Maybe it will come to me at work today. Gota go.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

One fine day

It is all about the music! This is a great deal harder than I thought it would be. I have writen many articles over the years, and it really doesn't get easier as it goes.

I started this blog to create a music forum for music lovers all around. Musicians and fans alike need a place to go to vent and share thoughts. My website is not a site where this can happen. Though I have friend connect, it is still not the same. The site is an information site. So hear we are..... Where to start, what to do, and how to draw people here???? Through all of my internet searching I really have not found a blog or such that matches what I am trying to do. I have no examples to go by, so I will just wing it and see what happens.

I want to share videos, music, links, thoughts and experiences about music. Where did you go this week that made an impression on you? Did you have a horrible experience this weekend? Did you play somewhere that was just an awesome experience? Or not? I for one went to The Red 55 Winery in Lindale, Tx.. Now this is a great place to sit and have a cozy evening with your friends. That is once you get past ALL the pictures of Miranda Lambert. It is her Winery. But after that it was nice. My fiance' and his band played there. This was one of their best sounding gigs. They were so tight and their sound mix was perfect.